What is a Mock-up? Mock-up types and how to use them?
Mock-up is a product model on which you can fit your own design for demonstration to your client. A mock-up can be everything: a business card design, logo design, packaging or web design and many others.With the mockup’s help your client can visually imagine and estimate your design in real environment.

Mock-up usage
1 By downloading mockups from MockupsForFree.com you’ll recieve a zip file with the Psd file inside. That is to say you’ll need the Adobe Photoshop in your PC in any case.
2 Open the file. You are to find the Smart Object layer on the layer panel where is written Put Your Graphic Here. Double click on the layer and the program will open a new window, where you can change the exacting design to your own design.
After fitting it correctly click Ctrl+S.
3 Go back to the initial file and you’ll see that your design is inscribed on the model.
If you want to change the Background.
We try to make all the mockups more customizable with the possibility to change the environment. Only in some cases you can’t make changes as we consider that change non native to that special mockup. For the background change you are to find the layer called Background Color and double click on it. On the layers preview you are given the ability to change the Background color to any color you need with the help of Color picker.